Dear Parent/Guardian,
1. We cannot thank the Almighty God enough for bringing us to a graceful completion of the Third Term of 2022/2023academic/formative session. We doff our cap for you, our dependable Parents/Guardians, you are simply wonderful in your support. Below are some soft reminders.
2. MID- TERM BREAK: The learners shall commence their well- deserved mid -term break (first term)on Saturday 4th November, 2023, and shall return to school on Sunday 12th November, 2023 from 12noon to 3.00pm.(This shall take care of the visiting day).
3. New Rules: (a) Parents are not to honour any information from the Staff or other Students who call or visit home to inform them that their child is in need of this and that, no student should bring anything for any child to the school otherwise both will be dismissed instantly.
(b) Any Student that fails English and Mathematics or one out of the two will repeat the Class. Some students are not interested in learning these two subjects, they take to blame game. Mathematics and English are the queens of all the subjects, so we would not be entertaining any student who plays with them.
(c) It is effective now that any student that sneaks out, indulge in CA/ Examination malpractice, stealing, confronting School authorities, and other terrible crimes will be dismissed instantly.
(d) Students are not allowed to come into the School with bottles either for groundnuts, perfume or whatever, even water bottles. Those things should be in plastic cans. Some have used the bottles to settle scores with others.
4. Holiday Monitoring: Please endeavour to take interest in your child’s behaviour during the holidays, and please encourage, support and advise him properly so that there will be a positive change in his behaviour. Teach your child personal neatness/elementary hygiene. Accompany him to morning Masses too as he shall come back with a letter from his Parish Priest. Check his textbooks, and exercise books, so as to discover the subjects he performed poorly, uniforms, sandals and shoes, know his friends. Make sure that he goes to a priest for confession before coming back to the school.
5. Ban on Milk, Cornflakes, Milo, Etc is still invoked. You can give him a carton of each item, but warn him against being merchants here as to begin to sell it to others. Drop reasonable pocket money for him. Do not leave a child here without pocket money.
6. Health: The School is appealing that you take your child for routine checks in the hospital a week before resumption, or you administer Malaria drugs to him and even deworm him. He is to resume with at least 3 fabric face masks (red, black and yellow colours are not allowed), and he should resume with a reasonable hand sanitizer too.
7. Any Student that pluck or steal any Seminary fruits in the compound will be suspended and upon returning to the Seminary will pay a restitution fee of 5,000 Naira.
8.Payments at the Gate: (a). Check in fee =₦500. (b). Laboratory Maintenance Fee= ₦1,000. (c). CCTV Camera Fee = 1,500. Total=₦3,000
9. Other items to bring are: 900 grams of Sunlight Detergent, while a realm of paper will be in second term
All these will be cleared at the gate on resumption day, please do not come and give lame excuses.
10. Resumption: 1st Term resumes on Thursday, 14th of September, 2023. (8am to 4pm).Every student MUST resume this day (8am–3.30pm) Nobody will attend to you after 3.30pm that day, and number 11 (late resumption) below shall apply.
11. LATE RESUMPTION: The policy of phasing out late resumption is being religiously implemented, a fine of 5,000 Naira after the resumption day, and then 1,000 Naira will be added to the 5,000 Naira after each day that passes. Defaulters shall be sent home for one week to rest well, and upon return, will be checked into the school without provisions.
12. No Student shall be allowed to resume in the school without complete textbooks and exercise books, please start buying his required books on the booklist in time.
13. Parents of those in the Examination Classes (JSS3 and SSS3) are reminded that in January, 2023 at the commencement of the 2nd Term they shall pay the 2nd and 3rd term school fees together with the registration Fees for BECE, WAEC and NECO, please start now to arrange yourself as we will not entertain any story. Some parents that their wards took the last BECE are yet to complete their fees, such parents are the ones pushing us to tighten up, so that we do not look stupid.
OTHERS: School Fees for the 1st Term is ₦77, 000 (Seventy –Seven Thousand Naira only), you must pay and present your teller otherwise, do not come to tempt the Rector because writing of undertaking is now a thing of history. We need the complete Fees to plan for the whole Term, times are hard everywhere, because of the unplanned removal of fuel subsidy.
Clear your outstanding School Fees if any….………………….
Pay your 1st Term School Fees in the Bank: ……₦77,000
Please pay the School fees into this Account:
Bank: Better Life Microfinance Bank Ltd, Wurukum. Name: Divine Mercy Minor Seminary.
Account Number: 1100083894.
Pay with the name of the Student, write his Surname then his English Name before his other name, write his Class too. Any Teller with a different name will not be accepted please.
With renewed Appreciation and Gratitude.
Kind check his result online using this information:
In Union of Prayers,
Marcellinus Mary Oparaji, Cmf.